miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

support initiate school year 2010

An experience like the earthquake happened on Saturday, the 27th of February affects all the persons; adults, young people, boys and girls. It is an unpublished experience to live through an earthquake that lasted 3 minutes reaching a degree of 8.8 in the Richter scale. These movements will continue happening, with minor intensity for the next 6 month

It is for this that the Center of school Medication, in this beginning of the school year, has begun its activities resting to the educational establishments across the orientadores, inspectors and teachers realizing trainings to face these moments of crisis and to be able this way, to elaborate the consequences this event has generated in the adults and children.

To collaborate with this task, we have elaborated documents with basic recommendations to support teachers and students.

All the persons we have been affected by the earthquake: elaborated Document in order that the adults understand the effects and symptoms that can be generated by posteriority to a situation of crisis.

Thinking with our students: Document elaborated to work with girls and boys in this beginning of classes.

we all have been affected by the earthquake

An experience like the earthquake happened on Saturday, the 27th of February affects all the persons. It has been an unpublished experience, an earthquake of 90 seconds approximately, that has reached to a degree of 8.8 in the Richter scale - that measures the degree of liberated energy-. An earthquake that has left to his step one enormously fingerprint of pain difficult to overcome in the short term. Many persons weep for the loss of human lives (death of 800 persons) in the zone Center South of our country, with destruction of housings, buildings, schools, centers of health, churches, roads, electrical wire, water pipings, among other lamentable disasters.
Nobody can remain indifferent. All the persons have connected with the pain, the hopelessness, the frustration, the uncertainty, and the worry proved from the earthquake, from the tsunami and from the replies.

It is probable that the great majority of the adult persons are suffering different symptoms. A state of mind of confusion, of sadness and of dread. It is probable that the persons experience problems of dream (impede to harmonize it, to wake up very early, dream interrupted per hours), which does not allow them to rest; they can feel pain in the body, tachycardia, stomachache, motion sicknesses, perspiration of the hands, among other symptoms.
It is what is known like stress post traumatic. A response of the organism before the long-suffering experience, an experience that was kept in the retina several days.

What is the stress?

A set of physiological disorders and of the spirit that are in the habit of arising when the persons feel unable to answer adequately to the requirements of the moment. The factors and the most sressful situations are of psychological and social character, are emotional affections - many times - prolonged.
Why does this happen?
The nervous autonomous system generates the autonomous reactions; produced - depending on the situation that faces - for system the parasimpático or the nice system. The parasimpático is activated when calmness is needed. The nice system is activated before emergencies; for what can be kept the balance.
On the other hand the functions of the nice system are to take blood to the heart, to the nervous central system, to the muscles. It prepares our body to think well and to act rapidly.

· Liberates sugar to energize the muscles · Activates the coagulation of the blood. · Deepens the breathing for more oxygen in the blood. · Stimulates the glands supersandbanks (on the kidneys) that unload adrenaline and noradrenalina to answer to the alerts.

Every person reacts in a different way. Let's remember that the emotions are complex manifestations that intermingle, they link themselves with motives and personal feelings.

Thinking with our students

Estimated colleague:
We make come to you a brotherly greeting in these so difficult moments for our country. We entrust that this beginning of classes is for all our students an emotional support that allows them to recapture their ordinariness and from their sentires to summon them for the hope and the valuable of the life.
As Center of Mediation, we want to collaborate in this special beginning of classes, sharing some basic orientations to work with the children and girls:
To re-mean the experience (what is an earthquake?): It is important for the children to be able to deal and elaborate an experience like an earthquake, which is not something daily for them, which impedes to be able to accommodate it cognitive and emotionally. It is important to speak with the children, explaining them in a calm way, without major emotional load, that Chile is a seismic country, how an earthquake happens, which are the natural reasons, etc.

· emotional Expression of the happened:
Later to the previous explanation it is advisable that the children can express the emotions associated with the experience that had.This can be made across such simple forms of expression or communication as the drawing, count the experience, to paint or to realize handicrafts, in order to canalize and to leave the emocionality flow that the child or present girl. In addition it is important that the child shares and converses with his couple, exchanging experiences (it is recommended to work in couples in order that they can socialize all lived).

· affirm:
When the children share their fears or distresses, it is necessary to allow that they can tell, ask them what they feel, in order to identify to what element there is related his dread (fall of house, lost of relatives, etc.), to comment on it, to calm them, assuring company and permanent care them.

" Let's remember that the children learn our styles of expressing the fears " As adults it is advisable to support the calmness, to project to the children and girls tranquility and safety.

Planning of Activities 2010

In agreement to the planning realized in the Annual Plan of Development of the Municipal Education PADEM 2009 the Center of Mediation and School Living together meditates for this year realizing in joint form with the educational establishments the following activities:

* Manual of School Living together:
They will support ten educational establishments in: Diagnosis of school living together, review and update of the manual of living together of agreement to methodology MINEDUC, diffusion to the school community of the manual of living together, support and evaluation in the putting in march of the manual of school living together.
* Implementation of Program of Systematic Support in the Classroom.
The aim of this line, it is to contribute to the educational practices, in the development of social skills and learning skills of pacific resolution of applicable conflicts in the classroom.
* Training in Resolution of Conflicts to Assistant of the Education.
The aim is to strengthen the skills of the team of assistants of the education in the boarding and pacific resolution of conflicts.
* Students' individual attention will realize attention, derivation and follow-up of cases to individual and familiar level of the students who are derived by the educational establishments. This attention can be realized in the educational establishment or in the CMCE.
* Gatherings during the year will realize Pedagogic Gatherings with the teachers of 40 Educational Units.

* Generation of professional practices will offe to themselves spaces of formative activity for those students who want to realize their professional practice in CMCE.

* Internship to special school
it will be promoted the exchange of pedagogic experiences between educational participants of the ASA and teachers of Special School, across internships as a fountain of learning from the feedback of their practices placed in the diversity.

* days of autocare will be realized for executives and teachers.

Participative boarding of the School Living together I

why work School Living together?
There has been demonstrated from numerous investigations that working at environments where the healthy living together is favoured and suitable climates exist, the achievement of the learnings favors versus environments where difficulties exist in this area.

Undoubtedly the orientation to the achievement is a good reason to approach the living together in favor of the achievement of the results of the school, but one more reason in the fund exists in addition, or "cross street", which has to see with the formation of values and the democratic construction from the development of leaderships, sense of belonging and civil participation in the school.
The intentions of accompaniment to the schools from the Center of Mediation are constructed from these two axes of work, and are sustained from the beginning that orientate the construction of the living together of agreement to the MINEDUC:

* The school living together is a collective and dynamic construction constituted by the set of human interrelationships that the educational actors establish to the interior of the establishment.
* The children and girls are subjects of right.
* The full development of the persons only is possible in " the relation with others " in a plural and diverse context that one enriches in the heterogeneity more than in the homogenization of the relations.
* The school living together and the construction of citizenship needs to make explicit the spaces of participation, of opinion and of deliberation.
* The respect and protection of the private and public life of the persons and their family

Participative boarding of the School Living together Co-construction II of Manuals of Living together

The Center of Mediation and school Living together approaches the school living together in the educational establishments as relevant and integral part of the formation of the student body and of the educational community.
It is sought to construct participative and inclusively new boardings and look for school living together, in order to develop competitions and healthier human relations in an educational heterogeneous and dynamic space.
From learning to relate and to live with the other one, it is that one seeks to generate the accompaniments and to define participativamente the procedure for the pacific resolution of conflicts.
There exist three areas that are approached in the process construction of school living together from the accompaniment

* The participative construction of procedure of (manual) living together * The forms of institutional participation of the different estates in the school living together.
* The boarding of the living together in the room of classes
The work of accompaniment of the Center of Mediation constructs from three stages (in agreement to the Politics(Policy) of School living together MINEDUC), which are constructed from an inclusive look, of right and assets participative:

1 ª stage: Constitution of the team) of living together and organization of the work.
There is constituted the team of a representative way from the different estates, agrees the form of work and the relevant information and elaborates a chronogram of meetings and activities.

2 ª stage: reflective process of evaluation of the school living together.
The summoned team compiles information and develops the work of evaluation of the living together of agreement to the proposed methodology.

3 ª stage: elaboration of the Plan of improvement of the school living together. The team of living together elaborates an offer of Plan of improvement of the School Living together to be presented to the team of Management, to the School Council and to the school community for its approval and diffusion.