miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Participative boarding of the School Living together I

why work School Living together?
There has been demonstrated from numerous investigations that working at environments where the healthy living together is favoured and suitable climates exist, the achievement of the learnings favors versus environments where difficulties exist in this area.

Undoubtedly the orientation to the achievement is a good reason to approach the living together in favor of the achievement of the results of the school, but one more reason in the fund exists in addition, or "cross street", which has to see with the formation of values and the democratic construction from the development of leaderships, sense of belonging and civil participation in the school.
The intentions of accompaniment to the schools from the Center of Mediation are constructed from these two axes of work, and are sustained from the beginning that orientate the construction of the living together of agreement to the MINEDUC:

* The school living together is a collective and dynamic construction constituted by the set of human interrelationships that the educational actors establish to the interior of the establishment.
* The children and girls are subjects of right.
* The full development of the persons only is possible in " the relation with others " in a plural and diverse context that one enriches in the heterogeneity more than in the homogenization of the relations.
* The school living together and the construction of citizenship needs to make explicit the spaces of participation, of opinion and of deliberation.
* The respect and protection of the private and public life of the persons and their family

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