miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

support initiate school year 2010

An experience like the earthquake happened on Saturday, the 27th of February affects all the persons; adults, young people, boys and girls. It is an unpublished experience to live through an earthquake that lasted 3 minutes reaching a degree of 8.8 in the Richter scale. These movements will continue happening, with minor intensity for the next 6 month

It is for this that the Center of school Medication, in this beginning of the school year, has begun its activities resting to the educational establishments across the orientadores, inspectors and teachers realizing trainings to face these moments of crisis and to be able this way, to elaborate the consequences this event has generated in the adults and children.

To collaborate with this task, we have elaborated documents with basic recommendations to support teachers and students.

All the persons we have been affected by the earthquake: elaborated Document in order that the adults understand the effects and symptoms that can be generated by posteriority to a situation of crisis.

Thinking with our students: Document elaborated to work with girls and boys in this beginning of classes.

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